Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall

Building culture to enhance your customer journey

Your wedding business culture is like your businesses DNA, its deeply embedded in you and your teams’ values, assumptions, behaviours, and attitudes. It’s what makes your wedding business unique.

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Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall

Firefighting in your wedding business

When we talk about firefighting in your wedding business, we are referring to the feeling that problems never really get solved and that you are just bouncing from one issue “fire” to the next.

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Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall

Are you feeling overwhelmed this wedding season?

The feeling of seasonal overwhelm within wedding industry business owners and their teams is an all too common theme within the industry. Here are some top tips to help you reduce the stressors that can lead to overwhelm.

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Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall

Understanding your wedding venues customer journey

Understanding the journey your customers take when working with your venue is an important step in improving customer service, generating more leads from your target audience, and having higher conversion rates.

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