What does today’s couple look for in a wedding venue?

In recent years, we have seen a huge shift in what couples are looking for. Long gone are the days of pre-set menus and couples accepting package deals, instead today’s couple are style-focused and looking for a bespoke offering to create an original and often extensive celebration. We have also seen a shift in many couples’ outlook, towards sustainability and the impact that their big day has on the environment. With the average cost of a wedding in the UK last year being over £30,000 and the growing pressure from social media to be seen as having the perfect wedding, couples are quite rightly demanding that their day is carefully curated and original to them.

There is a wealth of different things that today’s couple may prioritise when looking for a wedding venue. However, with a background in wedding planning we are pleased to say that from the majority of clients there are often remerging questions and criteria.

Here are some of the most important things that we find today’s couple are looking for.

What is included?

Potential clients will want to know exactly what is included in the hire price of the venue and so it is essential to have a clear pricing structure, with an obvious breakdown of what is included in the venue hire price. Remember, it is important to really maximise on what you offer and not to under or over price yourself. Likewise, they will also want to know what additional costs to expect. Will they need any additional items, such as kitchen equipment or tables and chairs, and will they need to contact and factor into their budget external suppliers to provide the catering or the bar?


This leads nicely onto our next point, budget. Although this will vary from couple to couple most will have at least a rough budget that they are working towards. This is another reason why it’s so important to be clear with what your venue hire includes, so that the couples considering your venue can make an informed decision. You need to know your ideal client and target market inside out and what their budget is likely to be.

A roadmap of the journey from booking to their event

Couples will appreciate a clear and concise map of what happens if they are to book and how involved you, as a venue, will be in their planning process. Whilst some couples will want their hand held throughout the planning process, others will be looking for a dry hire venue. Whilst you clearly can’t appeal to everyone (and we certainly wouldn’t suggest trying to!), couples will want to know the next steps after booking and what to expect from you, so they can ensure they are the right match for the venue.

Opportunity to customise and make their own

Today’s couple will want to put their own stamp on a venue to make their event as unique and personal them to them as possible! Most couples will prefer a blank canvas venue which they can style and add additional props to. These props could be an additional hire from the venue, from an external prop hire or styling company, or even provided by the couple themselves. Regardless, it is really important to be able to customise a venue to suit their needs and style. Whilst they may want to style the venue to their tastes, some will struggle to envisage what they could do and so including images of your venue styled in different ways in your marketing material is vital.


Today’s couple is much more conscious about the environmental impact that their event has on the world. It’s important that as a venue you are shouting about what you are doing to minimise your impact and that you are able to provide a sustainable service.

Online presence

Making sure you have an online presence is vital. Today’s couple will almost certainly check out your website and social media platforms before coming to visit, and this could be a deciding factor before they have even come through the door. Not only that, but once booked their friends and family will almost certainly want to check out the venue online. For this reason, lots of couples will want the venue to look just as good online, as it does in person.

Take home marketing material

Whilst having a digital presence is vital, its important not to forgot about physical marketing materials, such as brochures and leaflets. After seeing your venue lots of couples will take the opportunity to discuss what they have seen with family and friends and having something to take home, which best showcases your venue will be a really useful tool.

Want to know about what the modern couple if looking for in a wedding venue with your specific venue and target audience in mind? Why not arrange a discovery call to kick start the process?   


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