Understanding your wedding venues customer journey


Understanding the journey your customers take when working with your venue is an important step in improving customer service, generating more leads from your target audience, and having higher conversion rates.

Your wedding venues customer journey is the complete end to end experience a customer has with your venue from awareness to loyalty. The customer journey encompasses all customer interactions across all channels, devices and touchpoints. Having a clear understanding of this means that you can match your communication strategies to your target audiences’ expectations at each stage of the journey.  

I have created an introductory guide to mapping your customer journey that details each of the seven phases the customer goes through, how to gather information on each phase and analyse any points where the journey and touchpoints provided by your business strategies don’t align. This can include things like social media posts that don’t speak to your target audience or looking at how your sales team/ coordinators handle enquiries.

The process can and should take a little time, however by putting your customers at the heart of your venue business leads to higher conversion rates and profitable growth. This exercise will also help to identify where you are spending too much time on activities that don’t impact customer journey and too little on those that would have a positive impact.

Click here to download my guide complete with sample questions to ask your customers, and a framework to map customer journey.


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