How do you create an intentional client journey?

Creating an intentional client journey involves mapping out the steps that clients take as they interact with your wedding business, and intentionally designing each touchpoint to create a positive and consistent experience.

Here are some steps to help you create an intentional client journey:

1.Identify your customer personas: Start by identifying the different types of customers that you serve. Develop customer personas that describe their characteristics, behaviours, and preferences.

2. Map the customer journey: Map out the different touchpoints that customers have with your business, from the first time they hear about you to the time they become an advocate post wedding. Consider all the channels that customers may use to interact with your business, such as your website, social media, email, and in-person interactions.

3. Define the customer experience: Define the experience that you want customers to have at each touchpoint. Consider what emotions you want to evoke and what actions you want customers to take.

4. Align your team: Ensure that your team is aligned around the customer journey and understands their role in creating a positive customer experience. Provide training and resources to help your team deliver on the desired experience.

5. Continuously improve: Regularly review and update the customer journey to ensure that it remains aligned with customer needs and expectations. Solicit feedback from customers to identify areas for improvement and make changes as necessary.

Creating an intentional client journey takes time and effort, but it can pay off by creating a positive and consistent experience for your customers, increasing customer loyalty, and driving business growth.

Unsure on where to start, or want a hand with building your customer journey and aligning your team? Click here to read more about my customer journey mapping services, or here to book a free discovery call.


How do I understand my wedding business customer journey?


What is Customer Journey?