Asking couples for reviews: When and how to do it?

Nowadays, the digital world plays an essential role in our everyday life, and it has become the main tool for building a business. In essence, an attractive and engaging website of a wedding venue can do wonders for the growth of clientele, but you should not forget the human factor that also comes with an immense impact – the client review.

Couples get inspiration by looking at astonishing photographs of the venue, but they make a final decision when they read about a personal experience. Therefore, asking couples for reviews should be a priority in your marketing strategy. However, if you do not do it properly, you might not get what you expect.

To make things easier for you, we have included some tips that can help you gather reviews on your wedding venues – without feeling uncomfortable or awkward.

When is the perfect time to ask for a review?

Asking couples for reviews can often feel like chasing or begging for a compliment on your wedding venue. Many business owners choose to leave the matter in the hands of the client's good graces, but only a few will remember to leave a review without being asked – even if they genuinely enjoyed your services. So, put the awkward feeling aside, but choose the right timing when doing so.

Our recommendation is to wait at least one or two weeks after the wedding to make the request. Most couples tend to take their honeymoon right after their union, so their return would make the perfect timing for this matter. You need to be considerate and give your clients time and space to gather their impressions of their wedding day, so do not haste with the question.

How to ask for a review?

There are several ways that you can use when asking couples for reviews. Nevertheless, before you request a review make sure that you have a reliable platform where they can share their customer journey. Here are some good platforms where your wedding venue can gain recognition, and your clients can easily access them:

●      WeddingWire

●      Bridebook

●      Google

●      Facebook (your business page)

●      Your website

Once you establish where you want your reviews, you can use some of the following ways.

  1. Phone call

A phone call might be the best way to ask for a review if you have established a more personal relationship with your clients. The chances that you will get a couple to share their customer journey are higher when you ask them directly. Use a conversational and friendly tone when introducing your request, and try to include it in your conversation spontaneously.

2. Email

Sending an email is certainly the most convenient way to ask for a review, but you cannot be sure that your clients will read it. You might need to send a few official requests with a link to the platform where you need them to leave the review. When access to the platform is easy, the chances that you will get the review are greater.

3. Personalised note

A good way to get in touch with your clients is by sending a personalised note where you can include your request for a review. This is a thoughtful gesture, which clients love, and it can help you avoid the uncomfortable feeling of asking directly. In addition, you may include a small gift with the note to establish a good rapport and end up with a sparkly review of your business.

Asking couples for reviews may not be your favourite thing, but it can immensely help the growth of your business. We hope that you find these tips helpful, so you will have a bolder approach when it comes to improving your marketing strategies!

If you are in need of more tips for your business, do not hesitate to check out our blog. We are always here to help you grow and improve!           


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